What games did you grow up on/feel nostalgic about?

I still casually play fighting games, and Tekken is a fav. I don’t want to jack the thread, but here’s some videos related to fighting games, and featuring some gameplay

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Two words…Konami Code!

Wolfenstein I
Commander Keen
Secret of Mana
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars
Mario Art
Lunar: Silver Star Story
Final Fantasy VII - IX
MGS 1 & 2
Parasite Eve


Parasite Eve!!! Secret of Mana! So good.


Man, my alzheimers is hitting hard these days. Forgot all about Parasite Eve.

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Metal gear solid 1


Omg how could I forget about a game like that

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Have some fond memories playing that game. First one I ever played in that style. So good

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I’d have to say Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. I can still remember going into a T arget as a kid when Majora’s first came out and playing the demo they had set up!


The first video games I owned were Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening and Battleship on a grey brick GameBoy my grandpa bought me. Obviously Battleship is what it is, but Link’s Awakening still has a place in my heart almost three decades later.

My first home console was a GameCube and I put more hours than I care to admit into Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader.

And I grew up in a Mac household (parents were teachers) so the only computer games I had as a kid were when my brother would come home for breaks in college and I could steal his computer to play Battlefield 1942 or later the Orange Box. When I graduated HS he bought me my own copy of the Orange Box to play on my own laptop I was going to be getting for school that summer.


It’s too hard to pick one, or even just a few lol. I’m sure I’m forgetting a ton…but I spent wayyyy too much time playing Bubble Bobble, Bonanza Bros, Joe & Mac, Triple Play baseball, NCAA Gamebreaker, NFL Blitz, NBA Jam, and various JRPGs. I think Wild Arms was my favorite back then!


It took me so many years to finally beat that game - just remember being stuck and having no idea where to go. I should replay it.


First PC games I remember playing:
Lode Runner
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Atari: Missile Control
Sega: Contra
NES: Super Mario
SNES: F-zero
N64: Golden Eye
GameCube: Zelda/Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Ok some of those are just favorites, but I’m old. and well I’ve been playing with computers since the IBM PC<- My first family computer, Thanks Dad!


The Switch remake is quite good and fits the spirit of the original quite well.

For a while in middle/high school, I had my parents’ old Apple IIe set up on my desk in my bedroom. I never finished HGttG because I somehow softlocked myself about 70% of the way through.

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It wasn’t all that hard to do. I recall their being multiple story lines at the end which would prevent full completion. I played them all. We would always save and then follow each option to see where it led(death most times). I seem to recall building a huge decision tree…

I agree, I played it a few months back :slight_smile:

Love this topic. It’s perfect for this community. The underlying theme is a love for games and gaming. This thread has me in my feels.:rofl:. From Atari 2600 to PC gaming and everything in between, there’s titles give us all a common bond! Game on friends, game on!


Star Wars Battlefront II (now renamed “Classic (2005)”) for PS2, now play it on PC still. Also on PS2 Sly 2 and 3 (though my 3 disk was corrupted in the cut scene for the pirate level, so I never got to play from there, only years later with PS now). On Xbox360 I also loved Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II, which I can’t play on PC legally now due to licensing. When I was quite young I remember playing hogs of war for the PS1, but I don’t remember playing that often.

On PC I played about 3.5 thousand hours in GMOD. I met my best friend who ran a darkRP server on there, which I was admin for. Later he created a gamemode called Cops N Robbers and CnR2 which were both quite popular at one point. Those days I played HL2 and portal 2 a lot. Before then Minecraft every day after secondary school.

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Final Fantasy VIII, my first playstation game and still my favorite FF