QMK Guide for GMMK 2

Ok so anyone else finding this, this is a Windows 11 specific issue. And the solution will work for the 65% and 96%.

You will want to use a program called zadig (https://zadig.akeo.ie/) to install the correct drivers for Windows 11.

Run the zadig prog above.

Go to options>list all devices

You will see a list of USB devices, and zadig will tell you what drivers they are using(if any). Don’t install anything yet.

Put your GMMK 2 65 into bootloader mode by plugging in the cord while holding b and spacebar.

You will see a new device in the device list called “WB Device in DFU mode” Select it and below it will show you you have no driver.

I installed the libusb-win32(honestly other drivers may work as well or better this is what worked for me).

This screen shot is after I installed the libusb-win32 driver.

Screenshot 2022-03-26 154006

Note you will need to unplug and replug your keyboard to get it to work again after its in bootloader mode.

After installing the right driver, the keyboard should show up correctly in QMK tools when you put it in bootloader mode. You have to use the QMK Tools that glorious has provided as the standard qmk_tools doesn’t have support for the WB32 yet.