What is your favorite video game company?

Supergiant games is my favorite studio from bastion to hades. All consistently great games with my favorite game composer at the helm for every game they release.


I voted for Bungie as my favorite company because of their inclusiveness and social outreach programs. I played waaaaaayyyyyy too much Destiny and Destiny 2.

It isnā€™t listed, but Insomniac is a great game company. Iā€™ve always loved the Spyro series, Ratchet & Clank, and the Spider-Man games are amazing. Another company that isnā€™t listed is Konami. They have a full games catalog (with too many DDR variants), but my favorites of their games are the Castlevania series, the Metal Gear Series, Contra, etc. (Iā€™m too much of a scaredy-cat to play Silent Hill).

I miss the old studios that EA and Activision have either killed off or changed completely like Westwood (Command & Conquer), Bioware (Baldurā€™s Gate), and LucasArts (Monkey Island, Star Wars: Dark Forces, the Jedi Outcast series, and Outlaws). Hell, I even miss the old EA (Need for Speed I & II and Janeā€™s Combat Anthology series) and ActiVision (MechWarrior series)

I also miss pre-ZeniMax id Software (Wolfenstein series and Doom series) and Dynamix/Sierra (MetalTech, Earthsiege, A-10 Tank Killer, Red Baron, etc.)


Iā€™d say Bingo Blitz. Its a fun game. You can make lots of real friends which is the best thing. Collect free credits from the game reward

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Mojang :smiley:


Riot games. I know it is popular to hate on them but LoL, Valorant, and TFT are all solid games that are regularly updated.

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Iā€™m so torn between Naughty Dog and CD Projekt Red. They didnā€™t perform so weā€™ll with Cyberpunk but the Witcher was amazing and I loved that they included a personal touch when you bought the game with the thank you letter, soundtrack and stickers. Itā€™s not huge but it was a heck of a lot better than being slapped with DLC requests and an empty case. Lol

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I was a fiend for Riot Games back in the day. Have been playing League for 12 years now. Riot was a company that understood what it meant to please their community. They kept things fresh, added content, engaged with their audienceā€¦ etc. They just ended up getting too big for their shoes and lost their soul but I digress, still a solid company.

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