Matte finish on Glorious mouse

I’ve been using Wireless Model O for 8 months. The matte finish is now a glossy shiny finish. Any suggestions on how to clean or treat it so the matte finish would reappear without damaging the mouse. TIA!


I’ve used the Mr. Clean magic eraser and while it didn’t completely eliminate the glossy finish from the matte model D it did tone it down a bit. I just lightly got a corner of the eraser wet and was super careful not to get water in it.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I’m guessing the matte finish on the mouse is only from the paint and not the material itself. Kinda dissatisfied with the quality but the mouse is still great.

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Virtually all matte finishes will become glossy over time. If I had to guess, the mouse is made of ABS plastic which is particularly prone to developing a shine over time, but any plastic will do that with enough use.


hmm this is interesting because I’ve never had this issue with mine, although I have a few that I rotate through. But the glossy is more expensive than the matte so I always thought the gloss was added to the matte and not vice versa.

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