How long have you been glorious, without saying?

Solid choice with the red Samurai.

Yeah I was originally going to keep the GMK Samurai Keycaps on my GMMK 2 but now that I bought my GMMK Pro and I was selected to receive the Gilded Keycap I think I am going to put the GMK Red Samurai’s and the Gilded Keycap on my GMMK Pro and put a different set of GMK Keycaps on my GMMK 2, like the Drop + Nephlock GMK Kaiju or maybe the Drop + Matt3o Lord of the Rings Dwarven MT3 Keycaps


Right on. Those Kaiju caps are fire!


I totally agree, I most likely will be going with those Keycaps for my GMMK 2

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