GMMK Pro - Lights flashing issue

Hello, my name is Kyle and I have a pretty simple question but I can’t seem to figure it out.

I own a GMMK Pro and I couldn’t be happier with it. However I have one small nit pick about it and thats the lights on the side of the case. Mine flash on and off and that’s s a little annoying to me. If anyone has a solution to this on how to make them stay solid and/or go with the rgb of the rest of the board I would love to hear it.

On mine, the lights flash on and off on the side to show that the caps lock is on since there is no cap locks indicator light. If I don’t have the caps lock on, the lights don’t flash.


AS @tecmo34 said. That is an indicator for caps lock and that is a setting that can be toggled in glorious core. If you aren’t in caps lock I would suggest reaching out to tech support, there might be something wrong with the PCB

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