Glorious Core: Unable to bind key + function to multimedia control

I cannot find a way to bind FN + L to lower Multimedia Volume in Glorious Core.

I modified the L key to include FN + L function from the Single Key / Combination Key tab, so the keyboard displays L Single Key + L / FN + L, hit save; scrolled down to the Multimedia tab and selected Volume Down, hit save; this rewrites the keyboard display from L Single Key / FN + L to L / Multimedia Volume Down.

This makes the L key into a Multimedia Volume button, when used it lowers the volume down; when pressing FN + L, the keyboard recognizes it as a basic keystroke L. This is exactly what I am looking for, except its behavior is reversed.

What am I doing wrong?

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The last time I checked, you can’t bind the fn layer in Core.

To me it looks like the first time you modified “L” to input fn+L (like a macro)

And the second time you set L to input vol Down.

When you are pressing the actual fn+l, it will pass down through the layers, and if glorious hasn’t specified a fn+L in firmware, will Bypass right to L.

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After messing around with Glorious Core a bit more, I don’t see an option to bind FN + to multimedia. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement.

I’ll e-mail support for further assistance, and if I get a resolution, I will update the thread.

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I dragged my feet drastically in trying to do this and I am encountering the exact same issue. I would like to remap the multimedia functions to the function layer. I’m hoping that this is addressed in the relative near future. The multimedia keys are mapped to other FN + buttons, it’s weird we can’t do the same thing.

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The inability to do this genuinely breaks the user experience. Had I known about this limitation, I’d have bought literally any other keyboard.

We’re years into Glorious Core and GMMK keyboards and yet they haven’t released basic functionality to map FN+something to do things. Absurd.

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