- Glorious GMMK PRO bundle
- Glorious Model O Wireless bundle
- Mouse or keyboard + GLxA swag
- Partnered giveaway (e.g. Nacho Customz painted Glorious mouse)
- Big GLxA bundle
- Glorious store gift card
0 voters
0 voters
I always like the idea of something one of kind for these kinds of options. It serves as a trophy of sorts where what is stands for is better than what it actually is.
Quick edit: I don’t mean to diminish whatever the item is as I love glorious stuff. But having a custom painted keyboard (for instance) would be a show piece for me.
Agree, as someone who has bought a ton of products from Glorious a custom piece as a giveaway would be really cool. For example the Golden Keycap is wanted by us all due to it being limited and something not many will have.
Something custom painted would be a giveaway
So far, I definitely agree with the polls, in general gift cards are a lot nicer to be able to get what you want in case you already have one of the products, but custom stuff is also super cool and makes things more special.
Custom stuff for sure. Because even if I already have everything I don’t have THAT custom piece that I can show off/use for years to come knowing that it’s not something that can just be bought off the shelf.
Custom one of a kind stuff for sure, it just has that extra “cool” factor. Case in point the Gloriously Golden Gilded Cap that everyone is drooling over lol.
Coming from Razer and Durgod products, I can attest that owning Glorious products have been far more pleasant. Customer service has been kind to me, even if it was just a wrist rest.
I will never go back to Razer. Durgod CS is non-existent.