What mousepad are you using?

What mousepad is everyone using? I’ve been using my Pulsar glass mousepad since it came out but I decided to switch for a bit. Both my artisans are now work mousepads so I’m looking for a new pad to game on. Thinking about the Saturn Pro or Venus Pro or the speed pad from Infinity Mice. Curious to what others are using these days.


I’ve been using the EspTiger Wuxiang II one of my favorite hybrid pads its got Rainbow-Pearl Film on it so it’s slick and speedy but the texture allows for a little bit more control than a standard hard pad. How do you like glass pads? I haven’t given them a go yet because I’ve read they eat through skates so I run glass on my mouse rather than my pad.


Logitech PowerPlay mat with the cloth top on it since I rock the G502 X mouse.

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I really like them…only used the pulsar one but it’s really fast and really smooth.

Work - Glorious Stealth

Home / Gaming - Artisan Hien

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I’ve honestly stuck with the Glorious Fire pad for the last 3 years. I tried a number of different brands and price points over the last 10 years, and I can hardly tell a difference between most of them. Sure, a good quality speed pad feels different than a control pad, but its not worth the money when I wear them out so fast.

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I’ve been using the blue version of the Valley Deskmat from The Flow Shop (kind of a small, unknown mousepad company). It looks great, although if you want a super smooth mousepad it might not be the one. Before that, I used the Roccat Sense Aimo and it worked pretty well.