Interesting. Thank you for the response.
In the past, when dealing with packages being shipped from China by two different carriers, their tracking information always includes a separate, USPS specific tracking number.
Now while it is in transit in the possession of the Chinese carrier, the USPS label will typically just say “Label created, not yet in system”.
Then, almost immediately, as soon as the first carriers tracking updates as “Handed off to USPS”, the USPS tracking information is updated to give a delivery day, and more specifc information on tracking within the US.
Sometimes it is my local post office, other times it is a major US city which I’m sure is used as a major hand-off between international logistics companies and the USPS (LA, NY, sometimes Chicago which is local to me) - but I never fail to get an updated tracking number from USPS FROM the carrier itself.
As shown above, the Kerry tracking information shows as at my local post office, at least I’m assuming that is where it is located.
As you mentioned, and in my experience, the day it shows up at my local post office is the day it is sent out for delivery. This was (in part) confirmed by receiving a delivery notification from Glorious.
I’m still at a loss as to how Glorious is determining that it was delivered. Support tells me “it should be there in 2-5 days”, but that doesn’t explain why I’m receiving a delivery notification.
I’m assuming this is all automatically generated, but that still doesn’t explain why they would generate a delivery notification if there is no tracking information that suggests this as true.
If they have separate tracking information (say for USPS), why don’t I have that information.
If they don’t, and they are operating on the Kerry tracking information, why would they send out delivery confirmation when Kerry’s tracking info does nothing to suggest this is the case.
As I mentioned just a few days ago, I’m well seasoned in shipments from different countries, specifically China, so I’m usually never anxious/upset enough to warrant reaching out to forums for complaints.
I’m assuming the best here and assuming that it was handed off to the local carrier, and Kerry’s responsibility is now over, which then turns into Kerry saying it was “delivered” and then Glorious repeating that information, which is fine… IF it was explained somewhere within their tracking information or the email that was sent out, which it wasn’t.