Metal Cherry profile keycaps?

Metal keycaps, cherry profile (not OEM) for WASD keys… do they exist? Gaming my WASD keys wear out and look pretty bad compared to the rest of the keycaps.

I’ve been searching forever and can’t find any, does anyone know where to get some?

These are the ones that I use. They work pretty well. I have them for W S A D and R. I like the separation.

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those would be perfect in cherry profile. i guess it wouldnt be that big a difference

They work wonderfully for me. I have the GMMK Nebula set with it (my build is hiding somewhere in this forum) and they work wonderfully for me. I actually really like them on there. If I’m just typing I can’t really tell they are there. But they give a nice accent to the board. And clearly they don’t wear out. Let me know if you want me to dig up a picture.

I use some from TeamWolf which are OEM and it’s not a noticeable difference. They have full alphas sets too.


Late to the party here but I also have the TeamWolf WASD :sunglasses:


Having those keys be OEM and the rest of the keys be Cherry profile. You can tell the difference from looking at the side but in practice I guess it’s not a big deal