Happy National Video Games Day!

Hey all, we hope you’re having an awesome day every day, but we hope today is particularly special for you because it’s

:tada: :space_invader: :joystick: NATIONAL VIDEO GAMES DAY! :video_game: :computer_mouse: :tada:

To help you have an awesome day, we’re giving away 500 GLXA Snapbacks for free with any purchase. To grab one, you’ll want to:

  1. Add any items to your cart
  2. Go to the Genesis Snapback Page and add your preferred color to cart
  3. Use code GIMMEHAT at checkout and viola! Free hat for you :billed_cap:

Ping me if you have any issues using the code, and enjoy some solid gaming today.


@guild_members tagging you here so you don’t miss out if you’re interested!


Picked up a Water Bottle and Blue Patch Hat! Thank You for the tag @Millions


Thanks for the heads up!! Picked up another beanie for this upcoming winter, so I’ll have the black and grey to choose from :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:!

Went with the blue patch hat too.


Any hats left? tried checking out but it didn’t work @Millions

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Hmm should still work - you have to purchase at least one other item, so it’s a “Buy one get one free” type of code. The other item can be any other item on the site. Let me know if that was the issue or not. There are still some codes left so you should still be able to grab one :slight_smile:

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@tecmo34 @TrashPanda glad to hear you grabbed one! Enjoy the water bottle and beanie, those are two of my favs from GLXA :slight_smile: