Glorious Model D no wireless

After the Glorious Model D Pairing utility started working with cable only.

Hey @N0SY. Welcome to the forum.

Can you provide a bit more information of what you are refering to with Model D pairing? Are you talking about pairing the wireless dongle to the mouse? If you can provide some additional context some of us on the forum might be able to help. The other option is to reach out to Glorious Support for assistance.

It only works if I connect the mouse via cable. There is no reaction when I connect it via dongle.

Have you tried reconnecting via the pair utility within Glorious Core? The silly question would be: Have you ensured that the mouse is turned on (underneath)? I hate asking it but figured cover all bases.

Yes, I tried. After pressing the pair button, it disconnects and reconnects, but I still cannot connect wirelessly. I also turn on the button at the bottom. Is there any way I can reset it?

The very last thing I can suggest is shifting the port in your PC where the wireless dongle is plugged in. I have experienced issues with the location of my dongle which were greatly improved once I shifted it to a different (better line of sight) port.

Thanks for working through and trying all of those things. Unfortunately, outside my last suggestion, and as a simple forum admin (not glorious employee), I have hit the end of my recommended tips and tricks. If the last suggestion yields no improvement, I have to defer to glorious support. I hope they can get you sorted. And please keep us informed of your progress.