COVID activities to pass the time

LOL! I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it Swaggy AF @SwaggyAlpaca !!


Watching weird movies like “Killer Bees” :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Whatever it takes to pass the time. Explore terrible shows/movies. If you are going through it, hope it passes soon.

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Welp covid finally got me :joy:…taking this time to see what valorant is all about.


Hope you feel better soon @jzaine7


Everybody in my family (mom, dad, sister) has had it, but not me. I’ve never tested positive by some miracle. Their daily routines consisted of remote stuff (be it school or work) and then going about normal day-to-day things around the house. My sister binge watched all of the Harry Potter movies haha. Thankfully, all cases were just small ones, no worse than the common cold (sniffles, cough, congestion) so it took only two or three days to fully recover.

Glad to hear you pulled through! How would you rate the Obiwan series on a scale of 1 (absolutely terrible) to 10 (best show ever)?

Edit: me, realizing that you posted this a few months ago facepalm


Not sure which post you were replying to, but when I watched it I’d give it about a 5/10 - good nostalgia, nice to see Ewan McGregor reprise the role, but the story was kinda meh and a good chunk of the writing I found to be very underwhelming.


I would say it’s worth it to see Ewan McGregor’s performance. It’s the highlight of the show. Otherwise I’m in agreement with you about the writing.