NUMPAD Slider bindings in CORE 1, are not available in CORE 2.1 ?

No matter how much I press the binding button, it doesn’t respond

I want to use the ability to adjust the sound of a specific programme that was available in Core 1

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That is bummer. @Tempy I don’t know if this is on your radar. If not I believe it’s something to be added to the list.

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Has there been any updates on when a fix might come be coming? Would really like to reassign knob and slider as I have a volume knob on my 75% keyboard. But it still look like no fix coming. Does Glorious even care about their customers? Not sure how your software team doesn’t seem to know how to do their jobs. Don’t give excuses that the team is overloaded with work, it’s called hiring more staff or contract outside if you can’t do it inside. Like the numpad but it would be nice to buy and expensive keyboard and have it work like it’s supposed to.

I’m not able to connect via Bluetooth now running the Core 2.1.3. I’m good with USB connection but can’t seem get it to connect via Bluetooth no matter what I tried so far. I have put in a support ticket with Glorious.

Also interested to see. Just bought one on sale a few weeks ago, and I’m so disappointed in the software, which is legit among the worst I’ve used. I own 30 mechanical keyboards of various brands, so I’ve seen a LOT.