About the Product Questions category

Ask questions about Glorious products here!

Use this category to ask questions such as:

  • Which do you like better, GMMK or GMMK Pro?

  • What Glorious mouse best fits smaller hands?

  • What mods have you performed on your Glorious keyboards?

  • What is the shine through like for Aura V2 keycaps?

This is not the best place to get support if you’re having trouble with your Glorious products. Your best bet is always to speak with our customer support team via the support page on our site.

Please DM me, @Millions, if you have any questions!

Used the Model O and D both wired for a while, and have been on the Model O wireless for the past six months or so. One thing I really enjoyed about the wired versions was that you could remove specific DPI settings and leave the mouse with even just one DPI setting on it. I have the issue of my DPI changing from 800 to like 8000 whenever I plug in my mouse to charge or unplug it from charging. Would it be possible to add the same ability to the wireless versions? I only ever use 800 DPI so the extra options are just too much for me.

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When do the new GMMK keyboards come in the new color ways , i just wanted to find out a certain Tim e like maybe new year or this December . I really want to make a cool keyboard set using one of the color ways so i cant wait until they get dropped.

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